Connect with skin care 8 confusion and truth

Many times you have read and heard that do not believe what you heard! But if we look at it, and if it is skin care, then there are hardly any people who care for their skin at the advice of skin experts. Actually, there are many of us who accept opinions of anyone in their skin care cases and accept it. Know that it will be right or wrong, what can be the damage? It is not necessary that any friend given skin-related care tips do the right thing for you too. Because every skin is different, its needs are different, so they should also be maintained in a different way. In such a way, our advice is that do not believe in all these confusions. Today, we are sharing the common misconceptions and truths associated with you with skin care, which we have given an age by listening.

Connect with skin care 8 confusion and truth

Confusion - fairness creams, makes the skin fair?

  True - the claim of all fairness creams that make the skin fair is false. All these claims are used only for marketing. Whereas all creams just remove pigmentation from the skin. In such a way, our advice is to not worry about the color of your skin, keep yourself believing, every time the white skin is not good.

Illusion - the better the SPF, the better the sunscreen?

 True - If seen, UVA, UVB and UVC are three types of ultra-violet rays i.e. there is ultraviolet rays. UVA is the most harmful of it, the rays here tan the skin. Whereas sunlight is made from UVB rays and UVC rays are absorbed by our environment, this ray does not reach us. The meaning of SPF in sunscreen means protection. Also, it protects all sunscreen creams from UVB rays but not UVA rays. In detail, sunscreen means that it should be protected from both UVA and UVB rays. Therefore, our advice is to apply sunscreen only to at least 15 SPF, which contains a macerosele oxybenzone and a chemical called avobenzone.

Illusion - Claudy Day, that is, on the day the cloud is high, we do not need sunscreen on that day?

Truth - On the day the clouds are clouded in the sky, the sun's rays reach us comfortably. So do not forget to always use sunscreen for your own well-being.

 Illusion - Does Drinking Water Hydrate the Skin?

The truth - most of the reading and hearing comes as much water as you drink, the more the skin will be hydrated, whereas this fact is wrong. Drinking water is good for the body, but there is nothing to do with the skin. Our skin is hydrated from naturally occurring oils, moisturizers and skin lotions.

 Confusion - Do not Need Moisturize Oily Skin?

 True - the truth is in the context of oily skin that it also needs a moisturizer once a day. If this is not the case, the skin may become dry. Because of which the skin becomes very bad.

Illusion - compared to any type of chemical, skin is less sensitive than using natural things?

 The truth - yes there are many benefits to using natural things, but those whose skin is sensitive, use any kind of nature products as thoughtful. While the chemicals are built under the supervision of experts. For which sometimes their need is also taken directly from the plants according to the need of skin, if needed.

 Illusion - Drinking milk is white?

 Truth - all of us have come to listen to one thing since childhood, that if we drink milk, then the skin will become white and drink tea, black. While the fact is exactly the opposite, assuming that the benefits of drinking milk for the body are very much, even the skin is soft from it, but there is nothing to do with the color of the skin. Not only that, according to skin excerpts, humans should not drink any animal's milk after two years of birth.

 Illusion - Get rid of blackhead with scrubbing?

 In the case of true - beauty tips, we get involved in some of the things you have heard in your beauty care tips. Learn without knowing how true and how false it is. In such a case, blackheads of blackheads are in the bottom of our skin, which is impossible to remove without the support of scribbling alone. Any kind of scrubber removes only the upper skin of the blackheads, it also comes back after some time. So, if you want to get rid of blackheads next time, talk to skin excerpts.

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